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Novice Solo Dance Classes
Please make sure to read all information listed, as well as our policy section before entering into the festival.
Novice Classes
Max 1 ½ minutes
For dancers who have never been placed 1st in a solo class of the particular genre they are entering at this or any other recognised Festival. Entrants in the novice section cannot also enter the general solo classes for the same genre.
Please ask for advice if unsure.
NB1: Novice Ballet 6yrs & under
NB2: Novice Ballet 7 & 8
NB3: Novice Ballet 9 & 10
NB4: Novice Ballet 11 & 12
NT1: Novice Tap 6yrs & under
NT2: Novice Tap 7 & 8
NT3: Novice Tap 9 7 10
NT4: Novice Tap 11 & 12
NM1: Novice Modern 6yrs & under
NM2: Novice Modern 7 & 8
NM3: Novice Modern 9 & 10
NM4: Novice Modern 11 & 12
NLM3: Novice Lyrical Modern 9 & 10
NLM4: Novice Lyrical Modern 11 & 12
NSD1: Novice Song & Dance 6yrs & under
NSD2: Novice Song & Dance 7 & 8
NSD3: Novice Song & Dance 9 & 10
NSD4: Novice Song & Dance 11 & 12
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